Abyss Adventure was created by and for Jenna Gerber and Wyatt Salberg to showcase their works in a collaborative way. As they have been in a relationship for several years and have created many works both personal and collaborative, why not host it all in one cohesive place. Moving into the future, the two plan to expand this platform to encompass much more.
Jenna Gerber is currently a junior graphic design student at Minneapolis College of Art and Design and works as a freelance designer. Interested in social issues and climate change, alike she is prepared to turn her passion into movement.
Wyatt Salberg has an associates degree from Minneapolis Community and Technical College and currently works in the auto body industry. Wyatt also take photos, fly’s drone, and uses several of mediums such as paint, and found materials to create artistic pieces.
The future is bright.
Moving forward these two have devised a plan that will take them forward into the next few years. First and for most they are currently rebuilding a 1981 VW van which will eventually be their home on wheels, as they intend to explore the United States. The goal of this adventure will be to have free time to create content, and build connections.